Lodge Environmental, Eugene, Oregon, Asbestos abatement, mold abatement, crime scene clean up, asbestos survey, LRAPA, Oregon DEQ, Hazardous waste disposal, Bio-hazard, Illegal drug lab clean up, decontamination, Hazardous spill response, controlled demolition.
Serving Oregon since 1997
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Illegal Drug Lab Decontamination & testing services:

Lodge Environmental, Inc. provides a full spectrum of methamphetamine consulting & cleanup services:

  • Methamphetamine Lab Identification
  • Screening Assessments
  • Preliminary Site Assessments
  • Methamphetamine Sampling
  • Site decontamination & cleanup
  • Post Remediation Assessments
  • Evaluation of Clean-up Levels
  • Residential, Commercial, Vehicles

Methamphetamine is a powerful, highly addictive stimulant drug that dramatically affects the central nervous system. Meth comes in several forms, including powder, crystal, rocks, and tablets. When it comes in the crystal form it is called “crystal meth. The ingredients that are used in the process of making meth can include: ether, paint thinner, Freon®, acetone, anhydrous ammonia, iodine crystals, red phosphorus, drain cleaner, battery acid, and lithium (taken from inside batteries).

Provided that you have already contacted the proper law enforcement agencies when you first discover the need for a meth lab cleanup then your next step should be contacting us to get an estimate as to what the costs will be for a meth lab scene to be cleaned.  Meth lab cleanup crews are highly specialized, trained, and certified professionals who must meet several criteria for the state in which the meth lab clean up is being done in.
We will work with cities, business owners, and property owners to make sure the scene is returned to a healthy condition in which there is no need to be concerned about any contamination or poisonous waste still residing after the meth lab cleanup is completed.

Oregon Department of Human Services Contractor License # 10049
Clandestine Drug lab Cleanup Supervisor & sampling agent # 10112
Clandestine drug lab remediation services in the state of Oregon.
Website: http://oregon.gov/DHS/ph/druglab/
Phone: (971) 673 - 0442

Please contact us today for your drug lab cleanup or testing, you may contact us by phone at 541-461-8001, or you are welcome to email us.

ph. 541.461.8001  

fax. 541.461.5453

  CCB#: 119557